Daniella - Los Angeles

 I am finally in L.A. It was a long trip so i go and check in to a hotel and get some rest. I checked in to a hotel named Four seasons. The hotel is just wonderful. And my hotelroom was very beatiful. I sleeped very well thar night. Next day im ready for exploring. But first breakfast. When i was done with the wonderful breakfast i walked out on the street. First thing i was going to do was see walk of fame. I went there by taxi. I walked the street and saw all the famous names on the stars and it was amazing. Michael Jackson, Christina Augilera, and manny more got stars with their  name on. They got a round star for those who were a board in Apollo 11. I saw many people and the stars were amazing to see. When i was done wathing all the stars i was going to shop some things but before i was going to do that i looked for a cafe. I found a cafe and i ordered a Cupcake with blueberry taste. They gave me a very cute cupcake with blueberrys and it tasted so good. But i almost dropped the cupcake on the ground. I saw Bill and Tom Kaulitz walking on the street. I just sat there with my cupcake and saw them walk away. Im am what you call an Alien. Bill (singer) and Tom Kaulitz (giutarist) are from the band i have listened to for eight years now. Tokio Hotel. The other two bandmembers Gustav (drummer) and Georg (basist) live in German. All of the band members come from german but Bill and Tom moved. Someone had broken into the house and scanned all rooms in german. But just see them on the street was amazing. When i finished eating my cupcake i had to shop. I byed me some new clothes and shoes. After that i was heading to universal studios. When i arrived i did not now what to do first it was so many things to do. So i choose the jurassic park ride. It was a rolercoaster. And when you were going forward you saw dinosaurs. The effects was really cool there was one dinosaur that jumped out of the water and i got very wet. It was not real of course but it looked like a dinosaur. The first part was nice and the other part when the predators came it was dark and scary. And the very last part a T- Rex came over me and the others i got really scared so i did not see that the rolercoaster was heading down very fast. I can`t explain every attractions but it was amazing to be there. My day is coming for the end but before i go to bed and prepare to meet Michelle and Rasmus i have to one more thing. The sun is going to go down and i have walked to the beach. Im sitting and watching the sunset. Its very beatiful the sun sets on the horizon. It have been a fantastic day here in Los Angeles. I have fulfilled one of my dreams and this day have just been fantastic. But now im heading back to the hotel Four seasons and im going to get some sleep after a very amazing,fantastic and spectacular day bye.


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